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Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

TIPS UNTUK PES 2012 Versi evolution-soccer

1. Kecenderungan Untuk Lari Maju Menyerang (Overlap)

Hal ini akan terlihat jelas pada posisi Side Defender (SD) di PES 2012 yang selalu termotivasi untuk maju untuk membantu menyerang. Sekilas hal ini sepertinya sama seperti yang sudah terprogram dari seri Pro Evolution Soccer sebelumnya, namun menjadi perbedaan AI seri PES 2012 dengan PES 2011 adalah saat kapan SD akan mulai lari maju, dan ke arah mana dengan akselerasi lari secepat apa SD tersebut akan maju bergerak.

Active AI akan membuat SD cenderung overlap mencari sisi yang kosong dengan cara lari maju dan melebar. Posisi lain yang memiliki pergerakan paling serupa atau setipe dengan SD adalah posisi Side Midfielder (SM) dan Wing Back (WB) di lapangan tengah. Perbedaannya hanyalah pergerakan SM lebih kompleks karena kondisi jumlah dan keberadaan pemain lawan dan teman di sekitar SM cenderung lebih dinamis dan berbeda-beda.

Dalam pertandingan PES 2012, manfaatkan posisi-posisi ini untuk mencari posisi melakukan crossing yang tepat atau memaksa lawan melebar juga sehingga ada celah di tengah pertahanan lawan.

Berikut video tutorial singkat mengenai pergerakan maju / overlap ini

2. Gerakan Diagonal Mencari Posisi dan Celah Kosong

Pada PES 2012 ini, para penyerang dan pemain tengah akan ikut terus bergerak mencari celah kosong. Yang menjadi perbedaan dengan seri Pro Evolution Soccer sebelumnya adalah kemampuan mencari celah dengan melakukan pergerakan arah diagonal.

Pada seri PES 2011, pemain hanya cenderung bergerak maju dan mundur saja. Penyerang di PES 2011 akan cenderung diam atau bergerak sedikit ke kiri atau ke kanan sedangkan Di PES 2012, AI akan meminta penyerang aktif mencari tempat kosong, termasuk bilamana diperlukan untuk menusuk ke sektor pertahanan dengan arah diagonal.

Fitur baru pada AI ini membuat opsi umpan terobosan menjadi salah satu gerakan favorit untuk menciptakan peluang emas mencetak gol. Dengan demikian, kita tidak terpaku untuk mengandalkan kecepatan ataupun body balance seperti di PES 2011.

Berikut video tutorial singkat mengenai pergerakan diagonal ini

3. Pergerakan Tipuan (Dummy Runs)

Inti poin no 3 ini sebenarnya serupa dengan poin no 2, AI PES 2012 akan memerintahkan penyerang untuk bergerak secara aktif mencari bidang kosong. Secara tidak langsung pemain bertahan lawan akan menempel penyerang kita dan akhirnya posisi pertahanan lawan dapat bergeser dan meninggalkan celah baru.

Dalam video offical PES 2012, hal ini disebut dummy runs (pergerakan tipuan). Di versi PES 2011 hal ini sudah ada, tapi terbatas untuk pemain-pemain tertentu yang memiliki skill card / spesialisasi dummy runner. di PES 2012 ada yang tetap memiliki spesialisasi dummy runner, tapi pergerakan tipuan ini tidak terbatas dilakukan oleh mereka saja. Hanya saja bagi pemain yang memiliki spesialisasi dummy runner, intensitas dan kualitas mereka dalam membuka pertahanan lawan akan berbeda.

Berikut video tutorial singkat mengenai pergerakan membuka celah pertahanan lawan


Secara umum, ketiga hal di atas itu dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut:

Pemain lain akan aktif bergerak mencari ruang selang 1-2 detik setelah kita menahan/membawa bola.
Pemain lain aktif mencari ruang atau celah kosong, jangan berharap mereka akan diam dan kita yang membawa bola yang mencari celah
Pergerakan pemain dalam mencari ruang tidak kaku sebatas maju atau mundur saja.
Kita tidak perlu terus-menerus memaksa pemain depan (penyerang) untuk terus nge push bek-bek lawan seperti di PES 2011. Serangan lebih mudah dibangun dari tengah.


1. Zonal Defense

Zonal defense (pertahanan daerah) adalah pergerakan pemain saat bertahan, dimana dia akan bergerak berdasarkan zona (daerah) penempatan dia. Dasar dari zona (daerah) tersebut adalah formasi apa yang digunakan dan posisi apa diberikan kepada dia.

Secara garis besar sistem zonal defense pada PES 2012 tidak berbeda dengan PES 2011. Perbedaan mendasar hanya terdapat pada barisan midfileder (pemain tengah) saja.

Pada PES 2011, posisi penyerang – pemain tengah – dan para bek cenderung terdistribusi proporsional, sehingga sering kali sering ada kasus pemain lawan mudah masuk dan menerima bola diantara para bek dan pemain tengah kita. Hal ini membuat beberapa dari kita tidak bisa bermain tanpa pemain berposisi DMF (Defensive Mid Fielder). Alternatif solusinya adalah menyetting tactics khusus seperti mengurangi player support, menaikan defensive line, atau meningkatkan pressing.

Pada PES 2012, permasalahan ini sudah dipelajari dan dipecahkan. Active AI dari PES 2012 akan menyusun barisan pemain tengah berdasarkan defensive line kita, bukan berdiri proporsional antara bek dan striker. Satu sisi hal ini memberikan keleluasaan lebih untuk membangun serangan tanpa harus takut akan serangan balik fatal ke tengah. Pada PES 2012 ini juga formasi akan lebih rapi, pemain-pemain akan cepat dan disiplin menjaga zona nya.

Berikut video penjelasan zonal defense ini

2. Zonal Marking

Zonal marking adalah pergerakan para pemain bertahan berdasarkan zona (daerah) dia. Sebenarnya berdasarkan arti kata, zonal marking dan zonal defense dapat diartikan sama saja, tapi dalam pembahasan kita di postingan ini, zonal defense lebih mengarah kepada golongan pemain (peneyerang – pemain tengah – bek / defender) dan zonal marking lebih ke arah individu yang sedang bertahan.

Berdasarkan penamaan tersebut, maka kita sudah dapat memahami bahwa bilamana ada pemain lawan memasuki zona pemain kita, pemain kita tersebut akan memarking dia secara individu man to man sampai pemain lawan tersebut meninggalkan zona tersebut.

berikut video tutorial tentang pergerakan zonal marking

Setelah melihat video penjelasan tentang zonal defense dan zonal marking, kita bisa mengambil ringkasan singkat atau kesimpulan sebagai berikut

Pemain-pemain di PES 2012 akan lebih disiplin dalam bertahan, sehingga kita tidak terpaku perlu tactics tertentu yang harus dibakukan atau ketergantungan akan posisi bertahan tertentu seperti DMF
Adanya sistem zonal marking di pertahanan kita mendukung sistem counter attack, karena ketika kita berhasil merebut pemain, pemain kita lainnya masih tersusun rapi berada dalam zona mereka sehingga mudah dioper.
Zonal defense dan zonal marking bukan sebuah solusi paten pertahanan tanpa celah. Gap / lobang pertahanan tetaplah ada karena para pemain pemain bertahan tetap bisa terpancing oleh dummy runner, atau bilamana ada 2 pemain lawan yang masuk ke zona pemain bertahan tertentu, biasanya karena diagonal run, pemain bertahan itu akan man marking salah satunya saja sehingga ada 1 pemain lawan yang lepas.
Zonal marking menyebabkan lawan jarang terjebakan offside. Sudah banyak para pemain yang kami ajak diskusi mengutarakan kekecewaan mereka karena pelanggaran offside menjadi langka.

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

naruto ultimate ninja ps2

Alternate costumes
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + R1 while choosing a character. In Free Battle or Mission mode, hold L2 + R1 and press X while selecting a character.

  • Chibi battle
    While playing in Versus mode, hold Square while the fighter's names are spoken (for example, Naruto vs. Sasuke). Continue holding Square through the intermission sequence to fight with the Chibi version of the characters.
  • Bonus missions
    Successfully complete "S" rank Mission 2, "Icha Icha Paradise", to unlock Mission 11. Successfully complete all non-"S" rank missions (Hokage rank) to unlock Mission 12.
    Successfully complete Gaara's Story mode to unlock two Village Of Sand missions, Kazekage's Mansion, Sumanigo Estate, and Buddha Statue.
    Successfully complete Haku's Story mode to unlock the Great Naruto Bridge and Zabuza's Hideout missions.
  • Play as Curse-Marked Sasuke
    Reach the "Chunin" rank (500 EXP) in Mission mode to unlock Cursed Sealed Sasuke in Mission, Practice, and Free Battle mode.
  • Play as Gaara
    Successfully complete Saga mode with Zabuza to unlock Gaara in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Gaara to unlock him in Versus mode.
  • Play as Haku
    Successfully complete Saga mode as Hinata to unlock Haku in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Haku to unlock him in Versus mode.
  • Play as Hinata Hyuga
    Successfully complete Saga mode as Neji to unlock Hinata in Saga Mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Hinata Hyuga to unlock her in Versus mode.
  • Play as Neji Hyuga
    Successfully complete Saga mode as any default character to unlock Neji in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Neji Hyuga to unlock him in Versus mode.
  • Play as Nine-Tailed Naruto
    Reach the "Jonin" rank (1,750 EXP) in Mission mode to unlock Nine-Tailed Naruto in Mission, Practice, and Free Battle mode.
  • Play as Orochimaru
    Successfully complete Saga mode as Gaara to unlock Orochimaru in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Orochimaru to unlock him in Versus mode.
  • Play as Sexy Jutso Saska or Kakashi
    Use Kakashi or Saske and use Sharingon then copy Sexy Justsu.
  • Play as Zabuza Momochi
    Successfully complete Saga mode as Haku to unlock Zabuza in Saga mode. Successfully complete Saga mode with Zabuza Momochi to unlock him in Versus mode.
  • Capsule machines
    Reach the "Special Jonin" rank to unlock the Capsule Machine for Collectors. Reach the "Anbu" rank to unlock the Capsule Machine for Maniacs.
  • Ranks
    Get the indicated amount of EXP in Mission mode to reach the corresponding rank:
      Genin: 50 EXP
      Chunin: 500 EXP
      Special Jonin: 1,150 EXP
      Jonin: 1,750 EXP
      Anbu: 2,170 EXP
      Hokage: 2,490 EXP
  • Restore health
    Hold Up to assume a taunting pose. The only characters who can do this are Sakura, Hinata, Shikamaru, and Kakashi.
  • Restore Chakra
    To recover Chakra (energy), hold Down. Note: You will be defenseless while recovering Chakra.

  • Extra Jutsu
    While playing as any character, press Down(2), Circle to perform a Jutsu.

  • Inner Sasuke and Inner Kakashi
    Fight Sakura and use Sasuke or Kakashi's Sharingan special. Then, press Down(2), Circle to use Inner Sasuke or Inner Kakashi.
  • Sasuke or Kakashi with sword
    Perform the Sharingan super move with either Sasuke or Kakashi while fighting Orochimaru or Zabuza. If you complete the move, Sasuke or Kakashi will have a sword (depending on which you are fighting).
  • Sasuke with cursed mark and sharengaurd eyes
    When activating Sauske, (cursed marked) at the last part when Cursed Mark Sauske attacks with his lightning covered hand, look closely at his eyes. His eyes are sharengaurd. Note: Sharengaurd will not work on Curse Marked Sauske.
  • Sharingan glitch with Curse-Marked Sasuke
    Unlock Curse-Marked Sasuke, then use Curse-Marked Sasuke's special when he uses the Lightning Blade. After he uses it, look at his eyes. The Sharingan should be activated, however you cannot use the Sharingan afterwards.
  • Easy wins
    While fighting at Zabuza's Hideout, teleport to the top portion of the battlefield where the bed is located. Run left or right under the ropes. Jump onto the rope and run to the left if you chose the right rope; or to the right if you chose the left rope. When your oponent jumps on to the other side, attack him or her to their side of the rope. This will trap them between you and the tree.
  • Easily complete "Tug Of War On The Bridge" mission
    Play as Sasuke. Go behind Haku and press Circle repeatedly. You should get the three additional blows down. Then, use Sasuke's second special (Windmill Triple Attack/Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu) to defeat Haku.
  • "Dynamic entree" comment
    Select Two Player mode and use Kakashi's Sharingan. Copy Sakura Chakra techniques. Instead of saying "Fair tales is for real", he will say "Dynamic entree".
  • Hidden Scrolls
    An easy way to obtain the hidden Scrolls is to complete the objective in Practice mode. This will not work for the Kikyo Castle, Zabuza's Hideout, or Great Naruto Bridge stage. Obtain these Scrolls in Two Player Free mode and have one of the players not move.
      The Ramen Ichiraku stage: Strike all the lanterns on the lowest level of this stage untill they glow red and are about to break. Do not break them. If done correctly, you will get the hidden Scroll.
      Hokage's Mountainside Images stage: Jump up and down on the treetop to the left of the center ring. After about ten jumps you will receive the hidden Scroll.
      Hero's Memorial Stone stage: Strike your enemy's support character five times to receive the hidden Scroll.
      Survival Exercise Ground stage: Destroy ten of the practice dummies appearing on the back plane to obtain the hidden Scroll.
      Look Out Tower stage: This is one of the hardest Scrolls to obtain. To get the Scroll, shatter the purple barrier that stops you from plane shifting. Then, go to the giant frog's head. You must jump from the frog's head to the snake's head without falling or touching the ground. The easiest way to do this is to jump forward then double jump at the last moment. Then, perform an air dash toward the snake's head. Then, return to the frog's head using the same move. All this must be done before the snake starts breathing fire. The moment you get back to the frog's head, you will receive the hidden Scroll.
      Chunin Exam Stadium stage: Run to the hole in the ground five times to obtain the hidden Scroll. Make sure you wall-run out of the tunnel each time.
      Kikyo Castle stage: Stand on the top tail tip of the fish statue in the upper-right hand corner of the back plane while the timer gauge ticks down for ten seconds.
      Exercise Ground Forest Of Death stage: Attack the fish swimming in the stream three times to get the Scroll.
      Zabuza's Hideout stage: Stand on the building's upper most level and wait for three counts of the time gauge to receive the Scroll.
      Great Naruto Bridge stage: Stand still on the boat for three counts of the timer gauge to obtain a hidden Scroll.
      Kazekage's Mansion stage: Attack the vending machine between fifteen and thirty times to get the hidden Scroll.
      Sunagimo Estate and Buddha Statue stage: Plane shift up to the top of the level and destroy the object flying in the tornado. It will take more than one tornado to complete this.
    In Freebattle mode with one or two players, use Sasuke and fight Naruto eleven times or more to get a hidden Scroll.
  • Chakra techniques
    You can do a Jutsu without using your secret techniques. Press Down(2), Circle to perform the following Chakra techniques:
      Gaara: Cursed Sandstorm Severing
      Result: Uses Shukaku's arm to punch the opponent.
      Haku: A thousand Needles of Death 1
      Result: Splashes water, freezes them, and fires sharp ice needles.
      Hinata: Medicine
      Result: Restores health, attack, and speed.
      Kakashi: A Thousand Years of Death
      Result: Goes behind the opponent and gives them a painful poke in the butt.
      Lee: Leaf Whirlwind
      Result: Spins leg around to trip the opponent.
      Naruto: I overdid it!
      Result: Farts to make the opponent faint.
      Neji: Rotation
      Result: Spins like a top to counterattack.
      Orochimaru: Blade Technique
      Result: Slashes the opponent with a powered sword.
      Sasuke: Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu
      Result: Blows a large flame to burn the opponent.
      Sakura: This fairy tale is for real!!
      Result: Uses Inner Sakura to do a flurry of punches.
      Shikamaru: Now, Choji!
      Result: Summons Choji to the battle field to use the Human Boulder, and crushes the opponent.
      Zabuza: Water Prison Jutsu
      Result: Traps the opponent in a bubble, then crushes the opponent.
  • persona 4 ps1

    resident evil 4 ps2

    Completion bonuses
    Successfully complete the game to unlock the Separate Ways and Mercenaries mini-games; the Professional difficulty setting; Leon's Raccoon City Police Department costume, Ashley's pop star costume, and Ada's black costume; the Mathilda handgun and Infinite Rocket Launcher for purchase (for 1 million Pesetas), and the Tactical Vest (for 60,000 Pesetas); and an alternate title screen. After completing the game the first time, start a new game, then press Start and select "Load Game". Choose the file that is marked "Clear". Once you choose that file, you will be taken to a menu where you can buy the Matilda Handgun or the Infinite Rocket Launcher. Once you start the game, all of your items from your previous game will be in your item box.
    Successfully complete the Separate Ways mini-game to unlock Ashley's knight costume and Leon's gangster costume. Ashley's suit of armor is bullet and damage proof. She cannot get hurt by anything and it is so heavy she cannot be carried away. You do not have to worry about giving her First Aid Sprays, Herbs, or shooting Ganados trying to pick her up.
    Successfully complete the game in Professional mode. The merchant will give you a PRL 412 laser cannon when you start Round 2 of Professional mode.
  • Chicago Typewriter
    Successfully complete the Separate Ways mini-game to unlock the Chicago Typewriter (Tommy gun with infinite ammunition) for purchase (for 1 million Pesetas).
  • HandCannon
    Get a five star rank with all mercenaries in the Mercenaries mini-game to unlock the HandCannon weapon. To get unlimited ammunition for it, fully upgrade all of the HandCannon's options. Alternately, successfully complete the game two times. The HandCannon will be available as soon as you start the game again for 0 Pesetas. It is a very powerful magnum, and will have unlimited ammunition. When you go to upgrade it in the merchant window, in the "HandCannon" update screen there is an option labeled "Exclusive". When chosen, the gun is upgraded with power identical to the Chicago Typewriter.
  • Punisher
    Destroy at least ten of the fifteen blue medallions (there are seven in the farm and eight in the cemetery) to get a free Punisher from the Merchant two guns before you can buy it. This pistol hits two targets when you get it and five when you get exclusive.
  • Bonus characters in Mercenaries mini-game
    Get a four star rank in the following areas to unlock the corresponding character in the Mercenaries mini-game:
      Ada Wong: Pueblo
      Albert Wesker: Waterworld
      Hunk: Island Commando Base
      Jack Krauser: Castle
  • Mercenaries mini-game tips
    The main monsters to look out for are the two chainsaw ladies on stage 1. Once you kill them, they keep coming back. On stage 2 and 3 be careful of the guys with the chain guns. On stage 4, there is a super chainsaw man. He is bigger than the normal one and has a twin bladed saw. He is almost impossible to stop. He does not climb ladders. He jumps to where he needs to be. He will run at you, swinging the saw. Do not run past him. Turn and jump down if you can, or climb something quickly. If you really want to get past him, try using Jack Krauser's transformation, and aim right at him. If you miss, you are dead. Additionally, Krauser's transformation will kill anyone in one hit as long as you are close enough. Also Flash Bang, Kick are very good for crowds with Krauser. These two things will make Krauser the easiest to get five stars with.
  • Easy completion in Mercenaries mini-game in Village
    Go to the top of the barn (located next to the house where you found the shotgun in the main game). There is also a timer under the ladder, and a chest above, and up the ladder. Go up there and wait for the Los Illuminados to come to you. When they are mostly packed in, shoot the barrel inside and jump down quickly. Get what they dropped. Get back up the ladder and repeat. Note: Do not throw a grenade while there is a flame barrel down there; it will not do twice the damage. Also, be careful of the Chainsaw Hags that appear. They will cut off your head if you get too close. It is best if you are Hunk or Krauser to use the neck break; and the transformation of Krauser's arm, which kills them in one hit. With Ada or Wesker, use their sniper rifles until they are both gone, then jump down, With Leon try grenades, but it is very difficult.
  • Easy completion of Professional mode
    The best way to complete the game in Professional mode is to first complete the Separate Ways mini-game. You will unlock Ashley's knight costume and Leon's gangster costume. Selecting Ashley's knight costume makes Professional mode a lot easier. Ashley cannot be injured or carried away. Use her for bait when needed. At least half the enemies will go directly for her, giving you time to kill them and keep your distance from a crowd. This also works well on El Gigante.
  • Control title screen
    At the title screen, press the Right Analog-stick to move the background. Press R1 to zoom in or L1 to zoom out.
  • Game trailers
    Remain idle at the title screen. Eventually two trailers will begin playing and begin to cycle.
  • Extra scene
    When Leon is being choked by Chief Mendez, he will be told that he has the same blood. Leave the room, then return. You will be choked again by Chief Mendez, only this time Ada will come to the rescue.
  • Extra ammunition
    Wait until you are low on ammunition before upgrading a gun. The replacement gun will always have a full clip, giving you extra bullets that otherwise may be difficult to find.
  • Easy money
    Once you gain access to the tunnel with the merchant beyond Pueblo, return to the farm area and wait for the chickens there to lay eggs. Exit and re-enter to begin the same process over again. After you fill your inventory, you can return to the nearby merchant to sell your eggs. White chicken eggs sell for 300 Pesetas, brown eggs for 600 Pesetas, and golden eggs for 3,000 Pesetas.
  • Quick money or more health
    If you mix a Green, Red, and Yellow Herb, you can sell it for a lot of money, or use it to restore health and increase the maximum health. Use it when you are low on health so that you do not waste the health recovery from it.
  • Open doors quicker
    Tap X(2) when the "Open" action appears to kick open or down some doors instead of nudging them by hand. This will give you an advantage, as any enemies behind the door will be sent flying back.
  • Opening locks
    There are many locks on doors. Instead of shooting the locks and wasting ammunition, pull out your knife and cut it off. The same can be done for boxes.
  • Aim faster
    Use the D-pad and Analog-stick together to aim faster than normal.
  • Avoid damage from traps
    To avoid getting hurt by traps such as explosives and bear traps, use your laser sight and shoot at the explosive or the middle of the trap.
  • Finding items
    To find items, smash all of the crates with either your knife or a gun.
  • More items
    When running around different areas of the village, you will see crows. Pick them off from a distance as to not scare the others away. They usually drop Pesetas. Note: If you scare some away, just re-enter the area to reset their position.
  • Selling items
    If you plan to sell two or more herbs or other items that can be combined, combine them first and do not sell them separately. This will result in a small boost in the total selling price when compared to what it would have been if you sold them separately.
  • Pearl Pendant
    Close to the start of the game there is a pendant with a value that will decrease by 9,000 Pesetas, if dropped in water. To keep it as the Pearl Pendant instead of the Brass Pocketwatch, shoot the block that is holding the well open, then shoot the pendant down to pick it up off the top of the well cover. It will sell for 10,000 Pesetas.
  • Valuable jewels
    When around the village stage, some trees will have bird nests. Shoot them down to get valuable jewels to sell to the merchant.
  • Crown Jewels
    Kill Salazar's "right hand" that you need to use the liquid nitrogen tanks on to receive the "Crown Jewels". which fit into the "Crown" treasure item. This is difficult; try using the Chicago Typewriter.
  • Sell the rocket launcher (special) to the merchant
    Note: This trick involves the infinite rocket launcher (successfully complete the game; costs 1 million Pesetas). When you fight Saddler and Ada throws you the rocket launcher (special), take it, but do not use it. When you can get a clear shot to his main eye, use the regular unlimited launcher. Saddler will be killed and the rocket launcher (special) will be yours to keep. When you start a new game, you can sell it to the merchant.
  • Surviving the raid at the farmhouse
    An intermission sequence will start when you are escorting Ashley across a bridge. A large crowd shows up and you will run into a farmhouse. After the sequence ends and you are inside the house with Lou, push the bookcases in front of the windows and go to the bottom of the staircase. Using the shotgun is recommended, but the pistol works fine. Once they are able to gain entrance to the house, aim high and fire until they are all knocked down. Then, reload and repeat until Lou tells you to head up stairs. When you do this, go over to the windows and knock down the ladders. After that is done, go to the edge of the stairs and kill everyone that is coming up Grenades work the best for this. After they are taken care of, rush back to the windows and knock down the ladders once again. Repeat this until the sequence plays when they retreat.
    Once in the farmhouse, collect all the items while pushing the shelves against the windows. Stand in the corner by the stairs with Luis and fire until he tells you to go upstairs. Once up, stand in northwest corner (when facing down the stairs), and concentrate on firing in the direction of the stairs and pushing down the two ladders in that corner so that you do not become surrounded.
    Because the raid continues until you kill a certain number, block two windows and shoot out the third until the enemies break in. Then, block the third window and deal with the other two. This allows you to get several kills in before it starts getting hectic.
  • Two routes
    Soon after the farmhouse, look around to collect some ammunition and buy more items. After that, go to an opening where you see a lever. Go up to it and switch it to the right to fight El Gigante (recommended) or switch it to the left to face more chainsaw wielding villagers (extremely difficult). If you select to fight El Gigante, aim at the rock at the top ledge until he is underneath it and fire. Use the same tactic on the one you dealt with earlier.
  • Easy kills
    After you kill the hatchet guy as soon as you start the game, go upstairs to the window. Do not jump out. Instead, take out your pistol and shoot the glass out. Then, carefully aim for the villagers' heads that are awaiting outside. There are three of them. If you kill all three, you can jump out and avoid any damage.
  • Killing large crowds with TMP
    Shoot out the legs of everyone, then unload on their heads while they are lying on their faces.
  • Killing birds
    Throw a flash grenade in the middle of a group of birds. All of them will die instantly, leaving lots of gold. This also works with the Granadas when their heads are transformed.
  • Killing snakes
    If you see a snake after smashing boxes, kill it. You will get a chicken egg for health. Note: If you do not kill the snake it will bite you and take health away.
  • Killing the merchant
    You can kill the merchant at any time in the game. On the normal difficulty setting, he just dies then comes back at the next place, or sometimes when you leave the room and come back in. However, on the professional difficulty setting, once he dies, he remains dead.
  • Golden egg
    At the beginning of the game, if you leave a hen alone in Pueblo they should lay at least one golden egg (which fully restores health when used). Go to the weapon/health screen and select the egg. It should allow you to equip the egg. At the screen, Leon will throw the egg up and down, looking smug. Additionally, the golden egg is the best healing item, as it fully heals you and only takes one space in your case.
  • Throw eggs at Ashley
    Collect some eggs, equip them, and throw them at Ashley. They will not harm her and it is funny. Aim from a distance to get used to them. They are lighter than a grenade and fly far when thrown. Note: She will duck when in close proximity.
  • Annoy Ashley
    When Ashley is on a cliff or still up a ladder, you can aim your gun up at her. She will grab her skirt and call you a pervert.
  • Look up Ashley's skirt without her stopping you
    Normally, if you jump down a ladder and try to look up Ashley's skirt, she will grab it and call you a pervert. However, there is a location where she does not do this. In Chapter 2-3, go to the lifts, after going down one of the paths. Climb onto one and go all the way down to the other side, shooting the Gonadas coming up on other lifts and the ones on the platforms. Once you get all the way down, go down the stairs nearby. Go to the cave that is here that has window-like holes. Be careful, as there are two dynamite wielding Gonadas at the entrance. Kill them then jump over the wall and go up the ladder. Kill the Gonada. Jump down, but leave Ashely up there. Try looking up her skirt with a sniper. She will not grab her skirt and call you a pervert because she is too high up. Note: There are more ladders where you can do this. Find one with a large drop and it should work. For example, if you have already gotten past Chapter 2-3, you can do this trick on the ladder you go down just after defeat Saddler in the final chapter.
    After you defeat Ramon Salazar, walk further and there will be an intermission sequence where Ada will ask Leon if he needs a ride, and he accepts. When Ada brings him to the island, she will hook a rope onto the top of a cliff and say" I have some business to take care of". While she is saying that, look at her skirt (especially when she goes to jump up). You can also see more of Ashley than usual when you jump out the window of the church and when you get on the jet ski.
  • Easy money in castle
    Look behind every painting of Saddler to find 5,000 Pesetas.
  • Broken Butterfly in castle
    When you are in the area where you are just about see the intermission sequence with Luis dying, there will be a door that lets you know that you will need another person for it. After you get Ashley back, return to this door. Give Ashley a piggyback and she will open the door. Inside will be a lot of treasure, and the powerful Broken Butterfly. You do not have to buy it from the merchant or sell it for money. Additionally, the strongest Magnum is not the Killer 7. When you tune up and buy the exclusive option of the Broken Butterfly its power will increase to 50.0, far stronger than the Killer 7's 35.0. You can kill a Boss in four shots.
  • Getting the Green Catseye in the church
    In Chapter 1-3 in the church, turn right. Go to the small path at the back of the church. You will see a blinking object. Get near it, then press X to check. After that, first rotate seven times using option 3, another five times using option 4, then one more time with option 3. You will hear a sound and can now get the Green Catseye.
  • Infinite villagers in the church
    When you first get to the church, defeat everyone in the area. Then, return to the church and shoot the bell above. Villagers will arrive in a groups of three to six Gonados. You can continue this process as much as desired.
  • Black Bass recovery in sewer
    You can kill the fish and use them as recovery items in the sewer area shortly after the beginning of Chapter 1-2. It is a little after the place where you face the two enemies who throw dynamite at you.
  • Chapter 2-1 puzzle
    Before the end of the chapter, there is a puzzle in the church. The puzzle is a simple mix of colors. Three different designs surround the main design. The colors are red, green, and blue. When you enter the church, turn to the left and go down the little hall. Climb the ladder. When you are up there, you will see that the way to the door is barred. You must get to the other side of the church by jumping on and off of the chandelier. On the other side, there is a set of switches. When you activate it, the puzzle starts. The goal is to turn the designs so when combined, they are the same as the middle design. Turn red twice, green three times, and blue once. When combined, it should create the design. Then, go in and grab Ashley.
  • Chapter 3-4 puzzle
    The quickest way to complete the puzzle when playing as Ashley in Chapter 3-4 is as follows. The layout of the puzzle's squares is referred as:
      1 2 3
      4 5 6
      7 8 9
    Press X on the following in this order: 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 3, 1, 7, 9.
  • Interesting death sequences
    Note: Save your game before each encounter when trying to see the following death scenes:
      Betrayal: When you are in the cabin surrounded by Ganados, shoot Luis Sera about five to eight times. An intermission sequence will begin.
      Chief Mendez: In the barn fight, do not evade his grab in the intermission sequence.
      Del Lago (before fighting him): Stand on the dock by the lake where you fight the giant alligator (Del Lago). Fire your shotgun into the water several times. Eventually, Del Lago will come out and eat you.
      Del Lago (when fighting him): After getting knocked out of the boat, swim back until you are just in reach of the boat. Del Lago will appear from underneath. Additionally, after killing Del Lago, do not cut the rope.
      Giant insects: Let them vomit on you.
      "It": "It" has three ways of killing Leon. The first is when he is on the roof. He will grab Leon and snap his neck. Another is when he has the scissors tail. He will grab Leon by the legs and cut him in half. The finwl way happens after the three cages fall and the final fight on the cliff side begins. Shoot him until he goes underground. Allow him to kill you when he pops from under you.
      Knife fight: At the end, let him press the knife through the cavity.
      Molotov cocktails: In the beginning of the game, go up the ladder into the tower and wait for the villagers to burn you alive.
      Prison Boss: Have low life and let him kill you with the first hit of his charge. He should impale you twice.
      Regenerators: Both normal and spiked varieties have their own style of killing Leon.
      Two Los Gigantes: In the magma floor/pool, activate the switch and stand next to the pool.
      Trap door floor: Let Leon fall through the trap door that Salazar actives.
      Wolves: When they jump on you, they will ravage your face. Once Leon is killed, look at their teeth.
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