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Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Cheat Ninja Saga 3 Element

1. buka ns pake mozilla
2. buka cheat engine 5.6 or higher
3. klik gambar komputer terus klik icon firefox
4. di value type pilih text
5. ketik skill96 ,first scan
6. nanti ketemu addressnya terus klik semua addressnya
7. ganti value semua address dengan skill94, minimize CE
8. balik ke ninja saga yang lu buka tadi
9. klik jutsu terus lu dapet 3 element
10. pergi ke academy beli satu skill yang paling lo butuhin. biarkan sampai prosesnya selesai.tutup academy
NB: -kosongin 1 slot jurus lu, kalo nggak bakalan nyesel
- pas tutup academy ninja saga langsung error , lu refresh aja pagenya ntar cek lagi ke academy dan jutsu element ketiga lu masih proses gak ngilang
- klo kmu butuh fire : ganti skill96 dengan skill98
- klo kmu butuh Ligthning : ganti skill96 dengan skill94
- klo kmu butuh water : ganti skill96 dengan skill96

Download Cheat engine 5.5
   Click Here

New X-Trap V 1 After Maintenace ++||Auto Headshot + 1 hit + Super ESP Full + Replace weapon +Anti VOTE KICK!!

Downloads Cheat  : 
Downloads Password 
Fitur : 
  • X-hair
  • Wirepramce
  • Chams Black
ESP hack
  • Esp kotak
  • ESp darah
  • Esp Distance
  • Esp Line
Ganas hack

  • Auto headshot + 1 hit
  • Damage
  • Mspeed
  • Bt ON | BT Off
  • Anti VK 85%
  • Replace bumbu

Auto On Frezze
Auto On Anti PI

Tutorial lebih Simple
  1. Buka PB launcher
  2. Buka Cheat
  3. Start
  4. masukan password nye
  5. Happy Cheating dah,,
Insert : On/Off menu
Arah panah kanan : ON
Arah panah kiri : Off

Keterangan :
Apabila menu belum muncul tekan Insert berulang ulan sampai muncul!

Cheat Plants VS Zombies - Matahari Tak Terbatas

1. Buka Game Plants VS Zombies di komputer kamu. mainkan gamenya. Biarkan jumlah matahari tetap 50. Lalu Buka Cheat Engine (Game PVZ nya jangan di close). Kalian bisa gunakan tombol windows.

2. Setelah Cheat Engine Terbuka, Klik Tab Process, pilih aplikasi PVZ. Biasanya bernama 'PlantsVSZombies.exe'. Setelah itu masukkan jumlah matahari pada kolom 'Value' pada cheat engine. Masukkan jumlahnya yang ada di game PVZ saat membuka cheat engine (contohnya jumlahnya 50 - seperti pada gambar pertama). Lalu klik tombol 'First Scan'.

3. Setelah langkah nomor 2, buka kembali game PVZ yang tadi. Sekarang buat jumlah matahari berkurang atau bertambah dengan membeli tanaman atau mengambil matahari. misalnya jumlahnya menjadi 25, 75, 100, dll. dalam contoh ini, mataharinya dibuat jumlahnya menjadi 75. setelah itu kembali lagi ke cheat engine yang tadi.

4. Pada langkah 2, setelah menekan 'first scan'. Pada kolom kiri akan muncul address-address (biarkan saja). Pada langkah 4 ini, Masukkan kolom value jumlah matahari yang telah berubah dari sebelumnya. pada contoh ini jumlahnya 75. Lalu klik 'Next Scan'.

5. Setelah langkah 4, akan muncul Address pada kolom bagian kiri yang jumlahnya hanya 1 buah. Klik tanda panah kebawah. Lalu akan muncul address di bagian bawah. Sekarang kita lihat address bagian bawah, lalu klik 2x angka 75 pada kolom 'value'. Ganti angkanya terserah kalian. pada contoh ini, saya isi angka 9999 (lihat langkah 6).

6. Setelah mengisi value, Centang checkbox 'Frozen'. hal ini bertujuan agar jumlah matahari tidak bisa berkurang

7. Setelah itu, buka lagi game PVZ. Ingat, cheat enginenya jangan di close. Dan hasilnya lihat sendiri. hehe ^ ^

WH + HS + 1 Hit + Replace, Dll...

Password: maincit

- Full WH
- Full Esp
- Replace Accesories
- Auto HS 1 Hit
- Invisible Kill
- Quick Change
- Akurasi
- Set Hollow
- Show On menu = Insert

Cara pakai cheat:
- Buka Cheat
- Start PB
- Tekan Enter untuk hilangkan notice (Jika ada)
- Tunggu sampai proses HS selesai
- Enjoy.

jika cheat error, download jamu pendukung cheat dibawah ini:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Install)
Vcredist x86 (Install)
D3DX9_42.dll (Simpan di System32)
D3DX9_43.dll (Simpan di Folder PB)
msvcr100.dll (Simpan di Folder PB)
msvcp100.dll (Simpan di Folder PB)
msvcr100d.dll (Simpan di System32)
msvcp100d.dll (Simpan di System32)

Cheats Bleach for PS2

Win the game 2 times with over 2,200,000 points to unlock Urahara.

Complete level 11 with over 1,300,000 points to unlock Toushiro.

Complete level 11 with over 1,600,000 points to unlock Gin.

Complete level 11 with over 700,000 points to unlock Izuru.

Complete level 11 with over 400,000 points to unlock Rangiku.

Hard mode
Win the game. Now, hold L1 + R1 and select the "Load Game" option. Enemies will do double damage.

Maximum mode                95%
Win the game. Now, hold L2 + R2 and select the "Load Game" option. The combination gauge will always be full when a level begins.

Complete level 29 with over 1,900,000 points to unlock Byakuya.

Win the game 2 times with over 2,500,000 points to unlock Yoruichi.

Complete level 29 with over 1,000,000 points to unlock Renji.

Before a game start press start,circle,L1,R1

Gos of war II

Action max cheat codes
D0uh-kux0-aqgnx a7cb-bqew-fevyc wfv3-8425-bgkb5 b0zu-xmc8-wwefd ekbv-fwah-zc

Hold r1+r2and press square,cicle and triangle

Be invincible? Really? Why not? sure.
For damaging your enemy(be it bosses, trolls, monsters or any other foe) without getting hurt, just use the atlas quake(max lvl upgrade. press the O button cont.). You will not get hurt and lo! you're invincible, man!

H D in god of war
Hold r1+r2+r3+square+circle before sony computer entertainment "present" apears and it should be unlocked!

Achieve a 999,999 hit combo to reveal a hidden website
By achieving a 999,999 hit combo, the player will see a secret web site url appear onscreen. www.islandofrhodes.org.

As the player's hit combo climbs, the prompts "Your destiny awaits", "The secret is near", and "Almost there" appear just above your Rage of the Titans meter.

Hidden spirt
Once you get your hammer to level 2 flick the r stick

To unlook magic

Super power

All Weapons and Spells
1.Athena's Blades
2.Barberian Hammer
3.Spear of Destiny
4.Blade of Olympus
5.Typon's Bane
6.Cronos' Rage (can be replaced by Posiedon's Rage with Urn of Posiedon)
7.Head of Euryale
8.Atlas' Quake

Infinite health
Start new game. Then kill all the soliders first. Then type in x,x,x,x,x,o,o,o,up,down,left,up,right,x,o,x,o,o,x

Super spin attack
When fighting enemy just activate the Rage Of The Titan and press square and then hold square again and it will be a super spin attack.

High Definition Mode
You must enter L1, L2, L3, CIRCLE and SQUARE all at once.

Athena Costume
Win the game on Titan mode

Cheat God of war

Easy experience
Fight the Hydra while using the Dairy Bastard costume. After completing the game and the Challenge Of The Gods you can restart the game. If you play as the Dairy Bastard you can gain lots of easy experience while fighting the Hydra by continuously using Poseidon's Rage to get the combo count as high as possible. Because the Hydra cannot die unless you grab and kill it, there is not limit to the combos.
Easy kills
This strategy may be cheap, but it is incredibly easy and helpful when fighting multiple Minotaurs and other enemies. It requires at least a level 2 Blades Of Chaos. Knock them up with R1 + X. When in the air, release R1 and press Circle to grab its leg and hurl it back to the ground. The Minotaur will bounce back up, giving you multiple chances to repeat the throw. It should only take 3 or 4 throws to kill a Minotaur this way. As the minotaurs get stronger, you will need to knock them back up by pressing the Right Analog-stick towards it, then pressing X. *** This requires a level 5 Blades Of Chaos. This strategy works on other monsters, such as Skeleton Soldiers, Skeleton Archers, and Gorgons. Using this strategy with Gorgons may require more practice than it would with the other monsters.
Temple Of The Oracle: Easy orbs
First, unlock Dairy Bastard. Enter the Temple Of The Oracle. Keep using Gorgon Flash. Because there is an unlimited amount Harpies, you can get an unlimited amount of red orbs. *** Each kill is worth 30 red orbs.
In-Game Movies
Win the game once under any difficulty setting.
Harpy puzzle
When you are in the room filled with Harpies that keep coming out, kill them and notice that they are coming out of odd-looking holes. To stop them, use the shields of the statues in the room to block the entrance. The left statue goes in the right hole, and the right statue is for the left hole. Once all are blocked, kill the remaining Harpies. Go up the stairs to the ledge with the boards that fall off when you are going across. Do not worry if you fall off many times. The Harpies cannot get out. Also if the boards fall off, you will eventually find the boards that do not.
Completion Unlockables        
Making of GoWUnlocked from beginning
Trailers(Teaser and Magic Teaser)Unlocked from beginning
CreditsBeat game once (any difficulty)
Deleted LevelsBeat game once (any difficulty)
Heroic PossibilitiesBeat game once (any difficulty)
Visions of Ancient GreeceBeat game once (any difficulty)
Monsters of MythBeat game once (any difficulty)
Birth of the BeastBeat game once (any difficulty)
God ModeBeat game once (any difficulty)
Character GraveyardBeat game once (any difficulty)
Challenge of the GodsBeat game once (any difficulty)
In-Game MoviesBeat game once (any difficulty)
Escape Medusa's maze
There are many ways to escape the maze. Use evade (Right Analog-stick) many times, slash them with the blades, shoulder charge them (if unlocked, used as R1), use the Wrath Of Poseidon if you have any special remaining, or the special Zeus' Fury, your own Medusa's Gaze, the Blade Of Artemis, or just rip their head off (if Circle appears above their head).
Move faster
Press Right Analog-stick Forward to roll forward, then press R1 to execute a Hermes Rush shoulder charge before the roll ends. Repeat this to move faster.
God of War Easter Eggs
Secret Message 2

Destroy the Ares and Minotaur statues in the throne room at Olympus (use Lance of the Furies: L1+Circle). The secret message is a scrambled telephone number, just read it from left to right to figure it out... it should be pretty obvious. Call the number to get a pre-recorded message describing how cool you are (or aren't).
The Gates Of Athens: Easy orbs     
Use the following trick to max out your Blades Of Chaos, Poseidon's Rage and Medusa's Gaze. After you reach Athens and you encounter the Oracle's image. climb up the stairs. You will see Ares for the 1st time. Save the game here. This will take a lot of time to do. Walk to your left down the stairs and enter the gate. Ares' fireball will break the gate, locking you inside. In order to get out you must lure a Minotaur to the switch and freeze him so you can slide out.
However, do not do that and do not leave this room. Kill as many Minotaurs as possible until no more of them give you orbs. Notice that no matter how many Minotaurs you kill, they will keep respawning. You can use as much magic as desired. As long as you are in that room, the magic box will keep refilling. Every time a Minotaur comes out, freeze him with Medusa's Gaze and break him. Every time you do this, you will receive fifteen orbs. If you run out of magic, refill with the box. If you run low on life, fight the Minotaur then do the mini-game to get some health back. Keep freezing then breaking them to get unlimited orbs.
Infinite Experience
During Atlas's Quest in Pandoras Temple, you will come across a series of stone walls you can climb. Several armored legionarries will try to knock you off of the wall, kill all of them and climb to the top of the tallest ledge, a glitch harpy will begin to screech and blood {experience} will begin to shoot at you, it will last for as long as you stay in the area, cheap way to raise your weapons and magic spells to MAX. If you look close enough by one of the treasure chests you will see what looks like a holographic harpy flying in one spot.
Easy red orbs
When you set off to find the 2 shields for the sculpture, go back into the room with the broken off stairs. Go up, get across the narrow boards, and pull the lever. The rope goes down and you can slide down it. Go across the rope where soldiers try to kill you.
Get to the other side, then get out the Blade of Artemis (L1 + R1).
Now, get the Hades shield and run up to the ledge where you can jump off to the rope going up. Many soldiers will appear. Use the Blade Of Artemis to kill them all. This will give you a lot of red orbs, and more time spared.

When you are fighting the 1st Ares at the end of the game, do not kill him. Just stab him once with his leg and let him hit you off.
You should get 1,000 orbs. Keep doing this for a lot of orbs and any weapon, or any of magic that you have not maxed out. You will need it against all the clones in the next battle. When you get on the ship at the end of the 1st level after defeating the Boss Hydra, jump on the bed and press R2. Follow the commands as prompted on the screen. When the vase falls off the night stand you will get some orbs. The 2nd time you do it, you will only get five orbs.

Sex Mini-game    
In the Beginning of Act 2, there are 2 women in your bed when you are inside your ship. If you jump on the bed, A circle will appear above the bed, indicating a Mini-game. Press Circle, and the game will start. All you see is the vase, but as you get further, the vase will shake more and more, until it falls and breaks. you have to press the buttons as it commands it. closer to the end, you have to rotate the Left Analog Stick. If you win, the 1st time, you get a large amount of Red orbs. Everytime afterwards, you get 5 more.God of War Glitches

Additional Costumes/Outfits
Complete God Of War Challenges to unlock the Chef of War, Bubbles,
Tycoonius, Dairy Bastard, and Ares Armor costumes.

*** The alternate costumes/outfitsalso have different effects on Kratos, as listed below.

Chef Of War
Damage: 100%
Defense: 100%
Magic: 300%
Health: 150%
Experience: 100%
Damage: 50%
Defense: 100%
Magic: 150%
Health: 300%
Experience: 100%
Damage: 200%
Defense: 400%
Magic: 100%
Health: 100%
Experience: 400%
Dairy Bastard
Damage: 50%
Defense: 100%
Magic: 200%
Health: 200%
Experience: 200%
Unlimited magic
Ares Armor
Damage: 200%
Defense: 25%
Magic: 100%
Health: 200%
Experience: 200%

Infinite rage of gods- A3UY-CER9-WFT18 J27N--0X5Q-OBJQJ
-Unlimmited magic
-God of war cheats
Invisbilte up up left right up down up left
unlock all missoins up left right up down left
maigke up left down down left right donw

To get 199 orb bars filled
Wqhen you reach it when you can get the freezen power just keep on killing them then after you have 199 bars then kill the 3 with the freeze power then you have 199 bars filled.done credits: because they respawn untill you kill them with the freezing power

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

PointBlank Hack Special Wallhack (not detected)

Downloads cheat : 
Downloads Password : 

=Fitur Hack PB Indonesia=

=>No Detec program Ilegal Aotu ON
=>D3D Menu Wallhack Full
=>Asus Hack
=>Phantom Hack
=>WirePrame Hack
=>No SMoke
=>Full Cplour
=>X Hair Menu

Keys D3D Menu seperti Biasa,,
Menu : Insert
->   : ON
<-   : Off

Tutorial :

-Buka Cheat 
-Buka PB Launcher
-Start PB 
-Happy cheating 

Cheat Car Town Hack Coin and Level

hare Cheat Car Town Terbaru 2012
Yang Pertama Masuk dan Login Ke Facebook buka Aplikasi Games Cartown Mu ok

Cheat Level :

1. Buka cheat engine 5.6
2. Scan 4 bytes exp msalkan 50 kemudian jalankan misi nyuci atau apapun trserah setelah dapat exp lakukan next scan
3. Scan hngga ktmu 2-4 adrress kemudian ganti value menjadi 10000
4. Jalankan misi lagi dan jreng jreng level agan jdi naik

Cheat Gold atau Coin :

1. Buka Cheat engine
2. Type Scan 4 bytes
3. Cari harga mobil yang pling mahal nah ktmu tuh adreesnya ganti valuenya jadi 1 dan beli mobil tersebut sebanyak-banyaknya yang kamu suka

cheat level cityville

1. Masuk[lah Cityville dan menantikan game untuk [mengisi/memuat]

 2. Mbuka[lah suatu rekening baru dan jenis: about:cache?device=disk

 3. Ctrl+ F dan temukan: gameSettings.xml

 4. Kamu akan lihat satu baris kira-kira---> http://assets.cityville.zynga.com/xxxx/gameSettings.xml

 5. Pada [atas] garis ini.

 6. Kamu perlu lihat sesuatu  (yang) serupa pada  garis ini :
 memfile pada [atas] disk:----> C:\Users\User_Name\Appdata\
 Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\Rtdqoz4H.Default\Ca che\7F8E2284d01

 7. Copy[lah penempatan

 8. Terbuka “ Komputer Ku” dan pasta----> “ C:\Users\User_Name\Appdata\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\ Profiles\Rtdqoz4H.Default\Cache\7F8E2284D01”

 9. [Hak/ kebenaran] klik file> Membuka Dengan notepad++.

 10.The Temukan Ini
 Dengan Gambar-An:

 11.Set semua Exp ke 1
 Lihatan seperti ini

 [Menyelamatkan;Menabung] ( Ctrl+S) dan memuati lagi Cityville.
 Dontforget untuk Klik Terima kasih!
happy Cheating  Very HappyVery HappyVery HappyVery Happy

just For pecinta Wallhack + Di tambah Fitur Scret(Pastinya Dewa ) No BT Upgrade Ska Elite team indonesia

 DOwnloads Cheat : 
Downloads  password : 
Fitur PB :

[-]WH Asoy
[-]Wh Chams
[-]Wall Colour
[-]Wallhack ASUS
[-]No SMoke

On | Off D3D Menu : Numpad 0(ALL menu) / insert(Just WH)
On Cheat   --->   : Arah panah kanan
Off Cheat  <---   : Arah panah kiri
Scret FtR : >> Fitur RAHASIA Dan penuh kejutan,,

[-]1 Hit Pasang Bom
[-]1 Hit Defuse [-]Scret PB : F6
[-]Scret Pb : F7
[-]Scret PB : Home
[-]Scret PB : End


Tutorial Main :

[-]Buka Pb launcher
[-]Buka Cheat
[-]Start Pb
[-]Happy Dah loe jadi Cheater,,,

Created : 

Indonesia -SKa
Teaam Elitnya 

Cheat Ninja Saga Critical Strike dan Dodge

Butuh Tool CE 5.6 and Browser
1. masuk ke ninja saga anda dan masuk ke profil
2. buka Cheat engine dan pilih plugin.container.exe jika anda menggunakan mozilla fire fox diprocess list
3. klik Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only mem
4. Scan “a93f9a9999999999a93f”
5. nanti akan didapat sebuah address,klik 2x akan masuk ke kedalam list
6. gandakan item tersebut (copy – paste)
7. pada item pertama klik kanan
- set a hot key.
set hotkey dengan F5
>>selanjutnya klik ok trus klik kanan di adres 1 >>
change record >> value >> isikan
” F03F000000000000F03F “
8. pada item kedua klik kanan
- set a hot key.
set hotkey dengan F6
>>selanjutnya klik ok trus klik kanan di adres 2>>
change record >> value >> isikan
” A93F000000000000F03F “
9. sekarang mainkan ninja saga, jangan lupa tekan F5(dodge mode).
sekaran setiap serangan akan dodge.
10. ketika akan menyerang tekan F6 (critical mode)
11. jangan lupa aktifkan dodge mode ketika akan diserang,
dan critical mode ketika akan menyerang, sebab musuhpun akan Critical atau dodge.
CATATAN: untuk kode F5 dan F6 bisa di rubah sesuai keinginan kalian…

Download Cheat engine 5.5
   Click Here 

Ninja Saga – Token Hack


Ninja Saga – Token Hack

Cara Mendapatkan Cakra Points, XP, HP, Agility, Dodge Rate Forever, token & Gold ns, Cheat Ninja saga Terbaru
Cheat Ninja saga Cara mendapatkan karakter CP Otomatis Cara menambah token atau tokenyg tidak bisa habis, dan gold yg tidak bisa habis serta Cara Mengubah Token Menjadi Emas GOLD 999999999 dan token, sign up
Cheat Ninja saga Cara Menerima Token, agility, Token Saga, Gold, Ubah karakter, HP Ninja Saga Lv 31, Ninjutsu Skill

Prosedur untuk cepat meningkatkan level di Ninja saga:
1. masuk ke akun Ninja Saga
2. buka Cheat Engine 5.5 dan pilih brower yang digunakan. (e.g. Firefox)
3. Cek nilai type 8 bytes dan cek ascrom
4. Pada hex masukkan kode ini 3B0008C25B5E0689 dan hit first scan.
5. Akan dapat 4-2 addresses, klik kanan di bawah address dan Disassemble lalu klik kanan “Toggle breakpoint
6. kembali ke akun Ninja saga dan pilih character dan klik “Play”
7. It will freeze due to the breakpoint you have set.
8. klik “Debug > Run (or hit f9 for shortcut)
9. ulangi no 8
10. pada panel Registries , akan tampil garis merah “EAX xxxxxx”
11. klik tersebut dan masukkan address baru, lalau paste “FF011B8A” i pada (jika hanya LEVEL 19 PASTE kode ini “11A6C”)
12. klik kanan address lalu klik “Toggle breakpoint” lagi, untuk menghilangkan the breakpoint.
13. klik “Debug > Run
14. Kembali lagi ke Ninja Saga. reload dan …. 

Wallhack + Replace aksesoris


New Slowing hack + Simple Hacking PointBlank Xtop V 1 | WH Auto HS + Replace Auto ON |

Downloads Cheat  : 
Downloads Password : 

  • Fast Quick Change Hack : F11 Tero |F12 Police
  • WallHack Clean Auto ON
  • No Smoke, No Fog Auto ON
  • hs Mode up 40%
  • DMg triple hollow Auto ON
  • Anti PI Auto ON
  • REplace Weapon Aksesoris Auto ON
  • Fast Run Auto ON

Tutorial lebih Simple
  1. Buka PB launcher
  2. Buka Cheat
  3. Start
  4. Happy Cheating dah,, 
tested Windows XP  dari jam 8 pagi WITA sampai Jam 12 WITA  Working !!! 

Cheat captain tsubasa ps2

How to unlock: You must beat them in Story Mode: Argentina Jr., France Jr., Furano, Germany Jr., Hanawa, Hirado, Italy Jr., and Toho. To unlock the All-Stars, you must complete Story Mode once through. To unlock Japan Jr., you must complete the 1st part of Story Mode. To unlock Nankatsu SC, you must complete Custom Story Mode.
Custom Story Mode
How to unlock: complete Story Mode once through. Now, create a player in the My Captain Edit Mode
. Everyone
Strong Shot - TRIANGLE , CIRCLE , X
Volley Shot - CIRCLE, X , TRIANGLE

Some People
Overhead Shot - TRIANGLE , TRIANGLE , X

Banana Shot - X , SQUARE , TRIANGLE

Neo Tiger Shot - TRIANGLE , X , TRIANGLE
Tiger Overhead Shot - X , TRIANGLE , X
Tiger Diving Shot - TRIANGLE , SQUARE , X
Tiger Shot - X , X , TRIANGLE

Eagle Shot - TRIANGLE , X , X

Hayabusha Shot - X , X , TRIANGLE
Hayabusha Volley - X , CIRCLE , TRIANGLE

Slider Shot - SQUARE , X , CIRCLE


Reverse Kamisori Shot - CIRCLE , SQUARE , X

Drive Overhead Shot - X , TRIANGLE , TRIANGLE
Drive Shot - X , TRIANGLE , X
Phoenix Drive Shot - TRIANGLE , X , TRIANGLE
All-Star Mode
Finish the Story Mode.
Tips for play vs utomo team in custom story mode
Change back number 2(i forget his name)with Tsubatsa.Then change Tsubatsa with yourself and when playing,marking Nitta back number 9

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

D3D FullHack

Fitur liat di menu

Password: maincit

Show On menu = InsertCara pakai cheat:
- Buka Cheat
- Start PB
- Tekan Enter untuk hilangkan notice (Jika ada)
- Tunggu sampai proses HS selesai
- Enjoy.

jika cheat error, download jamu pendukung cheat dibawah ini:
free counters